Three Ways to Beat Goal Discouragement

hope mountain top

Have you ever had the experience where you set out to achieve a goal, begin to have some success (like a week or two) and you seem to peter out along the way?  You fall off the wagon, get an injury, something upsets the routine; there is always something. Then discouragement creeps in.  Your mind floods with all the recent attempts and fails and you think, “Why bother? I’m never gonna get there anyway.”

Can I just say, I have lived this cycle more times then I care to admit!  Ugh….(shoulders slump).

Click….you just turned on the light switch. Electricity flows to light up the globe.  You turn the dimmer switch clockwise and, you have gradually illuminated the room.  I love dimmer lights…what a great invention!  They  transform a room’s ambience incrementally, or in a moment,  from cozy and romantic to super bright and ambient.

How does that apply to goals?  You have a desire, a target the click…..fires your inspiration to do something, or be someone a bit different and the buzz of energy starts you off in a direction.  You turn the dial full bore and, away you go on a new running routine, a new diet, some new behaviour with the hope that this is the ticket to the super bright and ambient future, or self you desire.

But, the cycle of discouragement kicks in over a hiccup, and your bright and ambient future slides down to dim, or even dark.

How do we stop the cycle?

My experience would say it has a lot to do with what Dr. Carol Dweck would call a fixed mindset.  A fixed mindset is an all or nothing approach.  It is the belief that I am what I am, and cannot change; my talent and intelligence are pre-determined.   In contrast, a growth mindset acknowledges the journey, focusing on our effort and practice.  I can grow my talents and intelligence..  In this analogy, it would be the difference between seeing our goals, or even our selves as a “switch” rather than a “dimmer”.  You are either “off” or “on” – I am/this goal is a success or a failure, rather than a dial that can slide incrementally one way or the other – I am/this goal is a work in progress

It is inevitable, we are going to experience setbacks or discouragement, the dimmer has slid down and the room is now darker.  But rather than seeing them as the end, perhaps we should embrace them as part of the process. The electricity is still on!  The desire is still there – otherwise you wouldn’t feel discouraged, right?  So leverage the desire by sliding the dimmer up, even if it is just incremental.  Two steps forward, one step back is still progress.

How do we motivate ourselves to get going again?

  1. Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash
    Be kind and compassionate to yourself. Treat yourself like you would your friend in the same situation.  How would you spur them on toward their goal?  Remember that a growth mindset encourages us to focus on the effort and the journey, that we are capable of growing, being more skilled and better with practice.   You are a work in progress…..before you can run, you needed to learn to crawl, then walk.  Be patient with yourself.
  2. Cultivate positivity – reflect on a win you have had, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Reminding yourself of even the smallest accomplishment is like sliding the dimmer up.  Barbara Fredrickson’s Broaden and Build Theory says that positive emotions have a heliotropic effect, like a flower that is drawn and opened up toward the sun, positive emotions open us up to new possibilities, we become curious and open to new solutions and ways forward.  Our thought-action repertoires are more extensive with positivity.  Whereas negative emotions, like discouragement, have a limited thought -action range…..they drag us down, inward and we want to isolate ourselves.  What have you done well lately?  What is a recent win?  What strength, or character trait did you draw on to achieve that?  How can you leverage that again in this situation?
  3. Reframe the setback as an opportunity to build “bounce back” – if setbacks are inevitable, then the ability to bounce back is an absolute must if we want to see our goal come to fruition. Setbacks can be our fiercest ally!  Our ability to bounce back will be the catalyst to real progress.  Turn the setback, or discouragment on its head……look it in the eye and say….”Awesome! You have just given me an opportunity to be bouncier, and I need that if I am going to get where I want to be.”

Your bright and ambient future is only a dimmer switch away, so go on!…Dial it up!

Author: Pam McIntosh (Three Cheers Coaching)

Main article photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

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Could CoWorking be the answer to business success?


Distractions are endless

Several weeks ago I decided I’d had enough of sitting at home at my dreary desk watching the cat continuously lick herself. The continuous drone of commercial radio, mixed with backyard lawn mowing and street traffic, was becoming a bore. Who can seriously work like this full time? I started to ask myself is CoWorking the way of the future?

Let’s face it, working from home is eerily devoid of human contact during the day, and the distractions are endless. “I really must fix that squeaky hinge” and “Oh no, it’s going to rain this arvo. I have to get a couple of loads on the line before it does”. On and on it goes. Could CoWorking be the answer to my business success?

Hindsight is an amazing thing

What used to be an annoyance and pain in the butt in the corporate world has become trivial and to be completely frank, I miss it. Who cares if you’re crammed into pods like sardines, at least you have someone to talk to, bounce ideas off and enjoy a laugh. Why should I care if my stapler suddenly disappears? Just grab a new one out of the stationary cupboard. What’s the point in worrying about the noise? Take your call in another room, or plug in your iPod. That’s why hindsight is so amazing. You don’t know what you had until you lose it.

Aren’t all CoWorking spaces the same?

I’d had enough, so I set out on a mission to find a suitable CoWorking space. Being a first-time wannabe CoWorker, I had no idea what I was looking for in a solution. Aren’t all CoWorking spaces the same? How wrong I was. After completing some online research and taking advice from a few friends I soon learned how different CoWorking spaces could be. I had to think what was important to me and my business? Was it, Location, Cost, Facilities or maybe a free beer on Friday afternoon? What is going to help and not hinder the success of Usayso? Ah, let’s make a list….

Top 4 CoWorking considerations

Aside from the usual things to consider like, desk or office, daily, weekly or monthly rate. There are several other things worth considering. Here are my top 4 CoWorking considerations:

  1. Location, location, location – While being an online business, a location has less relevance than retail or a café; however, it is still an important decision. Do you need to be close to public transport? Who are your customers and where are they? Do you need a central location for the team? What sort of B2B networking community would you need to be around? Where is your competition located?
  2. Cost – Value for money play’s a significant role in most StartUP decision, especially if you’re bootstrapping it. Some questions to ask yourself include, how many days do you plan to work from the CoWorking space? Each provider offers slightly different packages depending on your usage. How flexible is the facility with contracts? How can they help in saving you money? e.g. free printing, coffee, and networking events?
  3. Atmosphere – Do you want a quiet office space, or perhaps something a bit more vibrant? Are you after an open plan layout or something more private? Do you want a desk and a chair or other creature comforts like coffee, kitchen, change rooms, access to a gym?
  4. CoWorking Focus – You have to consider that CoWorking is not a new trend. It’s being going on for years; however, the focus hasn’t always been about fostering business growth. The industry was dominated by companies wanting to save on costs by sharing resources. We now have a range of different CoWorking spaces catering for various industries and trends. Are you after a place that is full of Startups or mixed with established businesses? Some CoWorking spaces focus on Developers or Music and Arts, while others may take anyone and everyone.

So could CoWorking be the answer to business success? I have no doubt it can play a big part, especially in the very early stages of business development. Most offer a verity of flexible pricing packages. They have a mix of an open plan layout or private settings, as well as hi speed wireless internet, modern conference facilities, phone booths, standing work stations and a mix of indoor/outdoor work spaces. It’s now up to you to decide what best suits you and how you work.

So how do you choose the right CoWorking space?

I recommend shopping around and considering some of the points I’ve raised above. If you’re looking for a friendly hip, open plan space, with a focus on creative professionals and innovators, then maybe CoSydney is a place for you. Huddled in the back streets of Chippendale’s creative district, its private coffee house and regular art exhibitions may be of interest.

Or perhaps you want something more energetic and vibrant, with a pinch of an industrial feel. WeWork has a new Pyrmont location, which focusses on building a supportive community and growing your network. WeWork offers flexible packages as well as access to their extensive range of WeWork locations both locally and aboard. They have partnered with some other businesses to help reduce costs for everyday business needs. They also hold regular lunch and learns and networking sessions to help accelerate your business growth.

Perhaps you’re looking for something more closely to home. Some local business communities have created CoWorking spaces. Take Inspire CoWork in Miranda NSW. It’s close to public transport, and the local Westfield and its friendly owners and residents are very welcoming and eager to help. You also have Executive Republic, in Taren Point, who offer a range of flexible and cutting edge options for small business operators. Their personalised service approach helps in creating a professional and welcoming environment for you and your customers.

So how do you choose? Get out there and start exploring. Most CoWorking spaces will offer you a free trial. Understand what works for you and your business, and maybe CoWorking could be the answer to your business success.

Author: Clinton Smith

Should I fix my roof – DIY or professional tips

roof DIY professional

In this article “Should I fix my roof – DIY or professional tips” we consider should I bother fixing my roof in a DIY or professional manner. If you’re in the market for a new roof or repairs, here are some installation benefits.

Benefits of New Roofing and Maintenance

While a new roof or even maintenance can be an expensive up-front cost, the pros can significantly outweigh the cons. Some signs you could need a new roof include water leakage in the roof space after rain or wet conditions. Often this could result in mildew or mould on ceilings and interior walls. Sometimes exterior paint, siding and sheathing; and missing or damaged tiles could be the cause.

The Return on Investment (ROI) for repairs or replacement can be extremely high, especially if you are trying to sell your home. Often buyers will undertake a professional building inspection before they purchase a home. A damaged roof, or subsequent damage caused by one, will be a quick detractor from potential buyers. A new roof installed by a licensed contractor will carry a warranty, attractive for anyone looking to settle, avoiding on-going maintenance concerns.

With new materials and changes in installation methods, a new roof will help keep your home energy efficient. Your home will be active in keeping the outside and inside environments separated. The cost of your utility bills will decrease. The risk of mould, mildew and other damage will drop, leaving you and everyone in your house healthier. In addition to improving the internal health of your home, a new roof can exponentially improve the external appearance of your home. The result is your home will have better street appeal. If you’re trying to sell a home, this can be the initial attractor. Remember getting buyers past the front door is key!

The Basic tips of Roof Installation and Repairs

  1. To begin with, make sure you have a clean, well-organised working space. Be mindful of dangerous areas, such as power lines. Ensure that you have the right tools for the job. Working on elevated roofs always has its dangers, so make sure you’re operating safely, and minimise the risk of any fall.
  2. Tear off the existing roofing (such as tiles, nails, metal and more) and prepare the surface.
  3. Repair any damaged structural members now that it’s visible before any new installation of roofing material.
  4. Install roof deck protection, leak barriers, starter strips and tiles.
  5. Be sure to use the correct nails for your roofing project to prevent problems down the line, such as tiles blowing off the roof.
  6. After the tiles are installed install ridge vents, valleys, flashing or ridge-cap tiles. Also adding ventilation (such as attic fans) will help to ventilate the roof spaces in your home.

Replacing or repairing my roof – DIY or professional?

Even if you have a working knowledge of how to install a new roof, you need a plan. Just trying to repair it will need careful consideration and planning. Even then it could still be too dangerous a job to undertake as a DIY project. Not to mention it always takes longer than you think. One recommendation is not to leave your roof space unprotected for any extended period. Exposing the insides of your roof will leave you vulnerable to the elements. The weather should be monitored. Any rain, snow or adverse weather can result in internal damage to your home. Hiring a contractor could be a more efficient and safer way to install a new roof or make necessary repairs since the project will go quicker without as many potential hiccups.

Author: Avid Handyman
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Alternative Travel Means – Safety For Women

travel women

Uber started a revolution in offering alternative travel means for those that want to look outside of traditional taxi services; this alone has said to improve safety for women. This has been taken a few steps further by some new exciting startup transportation network companies offering alternatives such as women only drivers and pre-arranged co-sharing ride options.


What Uber successfully created was a communication platform (APP) that put the onus on being able to ensure travellers know who you are being picked up by, what they are going to be travelling in, and most importantly offer reviews from other previous passengers. In addition to this, both the traveller and the driver do not have to exchange cash as the payment system automatically deducts the money from the passenger’s pre-authorised credit card. Pretty hard to do a runner, when your details are already in the system. The passenger is also protected, as the fair is approximated before the journey.

Women drivers

While some have described this as sexist or discriminatory, the sad fact is that many women feel unsafe using taxis. Some women that have travelled in a taxi can tell a story of such instances that involve inappropriate comments, drivers that ask personal questions and in some rare incidences a driver trying to initiate physical contact. Many women would rather walk than call a taxi. Imagine preferring a 40-minute walk, rather than spend 10 minutes in a car dealing with the severe anxiety of travelling with a male stranger. That’s where the likes of newly operating Go Buggy provides the Go Girl service. The intention is they offer female drivers to make their female riders feel safer while travelling.

Rating Systems

The inclusion of a driver rating systems has made drivers more accountable. Both rider and driver are invited to leave feedback for the other. This way everyone is accountable. In addition to this, Uber put in place what it calls safety time. They go through the information left in reviews and handle any necessary investigations. Additionally, every trip is tracked in real time by GPS. The rider can see the license plate number, driver rating, as well as their name and photo before taking their trip.

Ride Sharing

Alternative companies have popped up for ride-sharing options or to hook up with other travellers embarking on a journey. Services are available from Share Ur Ride and Co Seats. Co Seats operates much the same way as Uber, with passengers able to view profiles before booking a ride.
Share Ur Ride describes themselves as prearranged hitchhiking, with the passenger contributing petrol money. Both parties can make contact before travel to arrange the pickup and drop-off points, as well as agreeing on the cost contribution.

Still, some women aren’t comfortable with co- sharing options provided by these operators. That’s where the likes of GoGirl, and Shebah come into play. Like Go-girl, Shebah is an all-female network of drivers and passengers. They employ only women drivers to ensure that women feel safe choosing them for their travel needs.


According to an Ipsos survey public transport can be terrifying for women, and most people don’t understand just how harrowing it can be. The truth is that 1 in 3 Australian women aged 15-19 are afraid to be out after dark. 25% of those surveyed believe young women should avoid public transport when they are alone. 33% don’t feel safe at night when out in public space.

Any service that helps people travel without fear of danger or violence and get home safely is a win. Some of these alternative transportation network companies bring rating systems, trackable journeys, no cash handling and women drivers. There is definitely nothing wrong with taking a taxi; however, some people want alternatives, and there are some good options mentioned here to consider.

Do your homework, and enjoy your travels.

Written by: A frequent traveller


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